Nervous Anticipation

I’m getting nervous. My talk is a week on Tuesday and I don’t feel ready. I’m sure it’ll all come together in time but right now its just feeling messy and incomplete. Yikes!

We had a lovely family walk near Kingscote today – admiring the autumn colours – so I’ll put some of the photos here by means of distraction. (That’s got to be a good ploy in the face of nervousness!)

I love autumn!

Another good tactic in the face of this nervousness might be to ask myself:

“What would my Future Self do now?”

  • She would be kind to herself
  • She would take one day at a time
  • She would remind herself to have fun with it
  • She would remind herself that every step forward has required a ‘push’ – the taking of a risk

I can also feel her saying to me:

  • Remember that this is one of many to come and they’ll all been fantastic learning
  • I’m holding your hand  – I’ll be with you throughout this whole process

That feels nice.

On another note, many thanks to all of you who sent such loving messages after my last two posts from Cornwall. I’m afraid the situation didn’t get any better but I’m proud of how we dealt with it. Let’s hope some real healing can take place over the next little while. I suspect we might need to give it some time.


One response to “Nervous Anticipation

  1. I seem to remember another good thing to remember, in the face of a new audience, from conversations we’ve had from the Artist Way days… :
    – first remember what you believe about it for YOU
    – stand for what you believe in as a result
    – live it this week, and be authetic at your talk on how it went for you….
    – trust the audience will connect with what is important for them if you are authentic..
    You will be AWESOME!

What do you think?