Come to my latest public talk!

I’d love you to join me on Tuesday November 8th for a public talk entitled:

The non-existent marshmallow of happiness and other thoughts on following your bliss

Hawkwood College, Stroud at 7.30pm. £5 at the door

This promises to be a lively, interactive and inspiring look at the imperative of living a passionate life – for ourselves and others.

Here’s the official blurb:

Happiness is not a marshmallow! Of course it’s not and yet, that’s how we treat it – as if it were something we could over-indulge in and, in so doing, deprive someone else of its pleasures.

Now more than ever, Theresa Sansome says, we need to be wary of that voice within that says, “who am I to be happy, when there is so much suffering going on in the world?”

“In over 12 years of coaching”, Theresa says, “the number one reason for people’s disenchantment with their lives is the fact they find it so hard to put themselves first. Saying our happiness must come first, might be a controversial statement, but I’ve had it proven over and over again that when someone takes the trouble to treat themselves kindly, they have a far greater capacity to do the same for others. It’s a big passion of mine to have people really connect with what brings them joy because I’ve seen how empowered we become and that’s got to be great news for us, our families, our communities and the world at large!”

Join Theresa on November 8th for what promises to be a lively, fun and practical look at personal abundance and the importance of following our bliss.

3 responses to “Come to my latest public talk!

  1. Pingback: Timefolding – a message from the future and the ‘past’ | My Happiness Experiment

  2. Pingback: Nervous Anticipation | My Happiness Experiment

  3. Pingback: Nervous Anticipation | My Happiness Experiment

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